The Cat's Out of the Bag

And by "cat," I mean "Outlaw loot," and by "bag," I mean literally the linen bag that we send orders in.

As I've mentioned before, we are staying flexible as we adapt to changing supply chain situations. Pretty much anything made in China has faced supply chain disruption, and as a result, we've been identifying those items and either finding ways to replace them (usually with similar-functioning stuff from other manufacturers) or, as in the case with the linen bags, putting them on hiatus until the supply chain issues resolve themselves.

Some of you have requested a minimal packaging option, where we spare you the bag and all the rest of the swag that we usually include with your order. It's a challenge to introduce these kinds of changes into our workflow, since it opens up complexity for our already-tiny-and-already-taxed regular-ass-kicking fulfillment team (our error rate on our orders is <1%, and we are very proud of this stellar track record, and don't want to do anything to compromise our victory over errors).

Side note: I have to write a blog post about our fulfillment team and process, because they've REALLY kicked ass in all this whole thing... not only do they keep social distancing, they've been increasing the number of orders they send during this whole crisis. The other day, they shipped more than 750 orders in ONE DAY. Last year at this time, I think our standard was about 100 orders per day. So they're really amazing.

We appreciate your flexibility during this unprecedented time.


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