Outlaw Soaps part of Whole Foods Local Producer Grant Program!!!

Outlaw Soaps Whole Foods Local Producer Grant

We are truly honored (and giddy with excitement) to share that Outlaw Soaps has been selected for the Local Producer Grant.

This means on July 26, 5% of all net proceeds from the Northern California area will go directly to Outlaw Soaps and 14 other grant recipients.

They wrote a really lovely piece about all the grant recipients, which you should go check out. It's really cool to be in the company of such amazing local producers.

We'd appreciate it if you'd do your grocery shopping at Whole Foods Markets on July 26, since, yanno, all that goes back to us, and you were going to go shopping anyways, right?

What are we doing with this (tbd) windfall?

Well, it seems only right to direct that money back into our relationship with Whole Foods. With the grant money, we'll be able to offer some discounts on in-store soap purchases, order new and fancier packaging for Christmas, and provide them with in-store support!

Ruth works really closely with the Whole Body managers, and has wanted to get out to meet them. Because we're such a tiny company on a little shoestring, it has been hard to work that out in terms of time and money. With the grant, we'll be able to increase Katie's hours so she can help out Ruth more, so Ruth is free to go visit the stores.

In case you're not familiar with our team, you can meet the Outlaws here.

In all, we expect this grant to help us build our great relationship with Whole Foods to even greater heights.

We are deeply grateful for this opportunity, for our customers and friends, and especially to Whole Foods for selecting us for this grant.

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