Introducing Trucker and Healthcare Worker Discounts: Thank you thank you thank you

We can't begin to express our true appreciation for all the truckers and health care workers do all the time, but right now especially. It's just amazing and truly meaningful that you make it a priority to show up with your fullest self, facing the long hours and exposure to this invisible enemy.

We worked with VerifyPass, our industry discount provider, to add some new categories to our existing discounts. This doesn't really begin to tell you how much we appreciate your work, and all you do for us as a country, and us as individuals who have friends and family in the hospital and who need supplies that you personally deliver.

It means a lot.

I wanted to be a trucker when I was growing up, and still harbor fantasies of doing that someday when this little soap outfit is standing on its own. Your jobs are infinitely interesting, and on the road, I have met many truckers who have been so kind over the years.

And now, you are doing more than ever before, facing closed restaurants and a highly communicable virus. I just wish there was more I could do.

And healthcare workers, I must admit, I never felt any inclination to do your job. As a child with chronic asthma, my mom and I were frequent visitors to the hospital. To me, what you do is a straight-up miracle. Even recently, when I was having a panic attack that I legit thought was a heart attack (yeah, the move was stressful), the team at the Northern Nevada Medical Center were peerlessly amazing. I felt so relieved just to be in the care of such competent professionals that my blood pressure dropped from "no, really, she might be having a heart attack" to "wow, she needs to take a minute to breathe" in just a couple hours.

With everything that's going on, I can't even imagine what your life looks like right now. You can't visit your family. You can't do basic things. You can't even get a fricken' mask to protect yourself as you treat people. It just is unbelievable, and I am so grateful.

Here's how to get your discount:


Thank you again.

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