Russ Vincent of Outlaw

We had to make a tough call today: Bobby (aka "The Fixer," our Customer Satisfaction Manager) and I had a meeting to talk about how we can maintain the highest level of service for our customers, which goes part and parcel with managing delivery expectations (so we can exceed them, of course!).

As you know, we've been seeing quite a sales surge in this new year thanks to Reddit, iFunny, etc. We've been doing whatever we can to speed up fulfillment, including forgoing the handwritten notes, hiring new hands (welcome, Rachel!), and hunting for any possible efficiency of scale.

Today, we had to address the time and effort it takes to fulfill international orders.

We have been using a shipping relay service which has drastically reduced the shipping cost to get an item to you in the wild blue yonder, but it requires quite a lot of extra steps on our end, and honestly, we can't do it right now.

It's a bummer, because we LOVE our international customers (I even became such good personal friends with one that I stayed with her when I went to Berlin a couple years ago, and an Australian customer of ours is such a good friend we've taken several road trips together in the Southwest), but at this time, we have to focus on getting our systems set up.

If you're an international Outlaw, I'm sorry. As corny as it sounds, I love the friendships we build with likeminded folks around the world. The kind of folks who want to smell like campfire and whiskey are our kind of folks, and it's a joy to know you.

And at the same time, we're still trying to get set up. So we have to focus on that for now.

But there's good news: Bobby never comes to a meeting without a clear path to a solution (one of the many reasons why he kicks so much ass). We put a plan in place to build a special localized website for our international customers. It'll take a bit of doin', but we're committed to serving Outlaws around the globe.

Please keep an eye out for that in a month or so.

In the mean time, thanks for being patient. Or, in other words...

Gracias | Merci | Grazie | ありがとう | do jeh, daw-dyeh | Danke | Khop Khun Mak Kha | Spasiba | 감사합니다 | Takk | Mahalo | Toda | Efharisto

(I hope I got those right. Please correct me if I did not!)


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