The Final Push: Invest in Outlaw's Future!

We're in the final days of our crowdfunding campaign, and it's an exciting time for Outlaw! This campaign marks a pivotal moment as we embark on a new direction - one that’s already showing promising results.

To invest, please check out our Wefunder campaign:

Our first custom scent client, Laura from CC Media, is visiting the workshop today to experiment with fragrances and see our production process firsthand. This milestone brings our vision to life and underscores why we started this campaign in the first place.

A Few Important Points

Dividends and Investment Structure

We've received questions about dividends, so let's clarify... In investments (as some of you may know), there are different ways to structure returns. While some investments, like publicly traded stocks and certain private equity firms, offer dividends, Outlaw isn't set up this way. Given the turbulent years we've faced, dividends wouldn't be feasible even if we had that structure.

Instead, Outlaw is geared towards eventual acquisition.

Over the next few years (ideally 3 to 5), we'll build systems that position us for a sale to a private equity firm or another company. Proceeds from that sale will be distributed to investors based on share priority: Series Seed investors will receive returns first, followed by Series A investors, crowdfunding contributors, and finally, the Outlaw team, including Russ and me. We’re committed to doing our best to ensure there's value left for everyone.

Our Team and Growth

This year has been challenging, and we've made some tough decisions regarding our team. Thankfully, we haven't had to lay anyone off, but we haven’t rehired for positions vacated by team members moving on. This has left our production, operations, and marketing teams quite understaffed.

However, we did give our production team, Shari and Theresa, a well-deserved raise after hitting our initial crowdfunding goal. Their dedication is crucial to our success, and retaining them is vital for our continued growth.

Your investment in Outlaw is an investment in our shared future. Join us in this exciting journey as we bring our vision to life and build a legacy together.

Check out our plans here:

Thank you for your investments and encouragement over the years!!

In love & adventure,
Danielle Vincent
Co-Founder of Outlaw

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