Lovely bandana masks: Available NOW

We only have 35 of these masks right now. More will come, if y'all buy these out, but for now, we've got 35.

The other day, I wrote about how we were buying masks from a wholesale customer / friend and reselling them as a fundraiser for our side project of providing FDA-approved healthcare masks to various underserved organizations and people (i.e. mortuary workers and certain of our customers who work in the first responder and medical fields).

I'm happy to report that THE BANDANA MASKS HAVE ARRIVED and they are FRICKEN' FANTASTIC!

These are thick (safe) and comfortable masks with a pocket for a replaceable coffee filter for extra protection, made by Angela, a customer whose shop had to close due to COVID-19. She offered to make these incredible masks with her existing inventory of US-made, 100% cotton bandanas. They've got an elastic strap around the back so you don't have to deal with that whole mask-ear-thing.

It's hard to see from the photo, but I'm smiling!

We're using 100% of the profit from the masks to fund the purchase of KN95 masks for mortuary and healthcare workers who do not have steady access to masks.

Additional note: We have already bought the KN95 masks and have a delivery date of 5/18 (delayed due to customs, but still on their way). If you are a healthcare worker, first responder, trucker, mortuary worker, etc who would like to get some of these masks, please hang tight until we get the masks in hand, and then we'll be putting together a program to receive requests for more masks. We're committed to doing what we can to ensure your safety. It's the least we can do. We appreciate your work so much.

Get your badass bandana mask here:

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