I've been so grateful for the comments, DMs, and personal notes about what Outlaw has meant to you over the years. This is exactly what we were hoping to build when we started the company 11 years ago, and I can't tell you how meaningful it is to hear our dreams were realized.
Many people have asked why, and that will have to be another post for another day, but I want to tell you this: We started Outlaw with NO EXPERIENCE, VERY FEW SPECIAL SKILLS, NO MAGIC SAUCE... I had a project management background from my corporate job, but managing production and inventory was absolutely new to me. Russ was a handyman, so he was able to build racks and stuff, but also, he had no production or inventory experience.
In retrospect, if I had more experience with the inventory and manufacturing part of the business, it would have saved us hundreds of thousands of dollars (seriously) and so much grief... but again, that has to be another post for another day.
Right now, MANY of Outlaw's customers are wondering what they're going to do without their favorite body wash (perhaps you're one of them!). People have asked what other companies are like ours... and, while there are some that I like, I don't know of any others like Outlaw. It's what made us US.
But you know...
I would love love love for the answer to be, "BUY FROM ONE OF THE OUTLAWS!"
So I'm going to be putting together some courses and posts about how to make products like Outlaw's products (yes, it's really simple... if we can do it, you can too), and I'd be delighted to promote your products (as long as you adhere to our strict "what Outlaws stand for" rules, which you can find here: https://liveoutlaw.com/pages/outlaw-stands-for
If you'd like to learn about how to make Outlaw products and start your own business, you can subscribe to my email list: https://start.webuildforchange.com/
If you'd like to go straight to the source and order a custom bottle of cologne, you can do that from https://rmvincent.com