Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter.
This is not a zero sum game. This is not The Hunger Games. "Black lives matter" can (and should) be a statement unchallenged. It is not exclusive, it is a factual statement.

We are not choosing between black lives and blue lives. We are not choosing between black lives and all lives.

Of course blue lives matter. Of course all lives matter. These are statements uncontested.

In our society right now, statistically speaking, black people are more likely to be harmed or neglected by government and healthcare systems than other races. We could take that as an indication that, to many people, black lives do not matter. So when we say "black lives matter," we are saying that has to change.

We are saying that black people deserve the same protection that others do. And if your response is, "Absolutely! Of course they do," then black lives matter to you. Thank you. If this strikes you as a painfully obvious baseline, then yeah, this is all we're saying. Not all people are like you, so the baseline has to be established.

We are saying that black people deserve the same access to health treatment that others do. And if your response is, "Yes! A person should be a person when receiving health treatment!" (leaving aside the conversation of health coverage), thank you. You are not alone, but we are far from that point as a culture.

We are proud to provide products to people of all professions, colors, genders, and religions. We believe our products are inclusive, because everyone can smell like an Outlaw, and that is a matter of choice.

Life -- specifically, the lives of unarmed black men -- should not be a choice made by others. Black lives should be entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," as stated in the Declaration of Independence.

We believe the rights of equality must be non-controversial in this society.

Thank you for being in our little gang, and for operating with the integrity and honor that I have found to be a hallmark of Outlaw.


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