I KNOW IT'S TOO EARLY to be talking about the holidays, but the facts are these:
1. We're already getting Christmas orders
and most importantly
2. We're already running out of certain items, so I want to let you know what we have and what we don't, what we'll have and what we won't. (and if that doesn't sound like a good line from a Dr. Seuss book, I don't know what does)
Thank you to everyone who has shared our business and our soaps with your friends, family, and co-workers. We appreciate that so much and would not be here without that support. Most of our customers are word-of-mouth since we have basically zero advertising budget, so THANK YOU thank you thank you!
As usual, since we are a tiny handmade business, we have stock fluctuations based on how much we make and what happens to be popular. Because of the nature of soap, we are limited in production to what we can make before 10/15, so forecasting is an inexact and guestimate-y process. We can't kick up cycles of "Lust in the Dust" because all of a sudden everyone loves it (as well they should -- it's the best). We kind of have what we have.
Which is why last year, we started diversifying our product offerings to include lotions, lip balms, colognes, and candles.
"Lust in the Dust" and "Pine Mountain" are going to run out this year. We've got one more batch of "Lust in the Dust" coming ready tomorrow, but I think this is it for Pine for the year (and until at least February).
The rest of the soaps are in stock and will be for the rest of the year, barring anything insane happening.
We're discontinuing shaving soaps, so what we have on the site is all there are. We only have 3 shaving brushes left, so when those are gone, we have no more shaving sets.
We aren't making any more of the full-pint size, so what's on the site is all we have.
We're ordering 1/4 pint "Blazing Saddles" and "Cedarwood & Campfire," which will arrive early next week
We're also ordering "Lust in the Dust," "Campfire," and "Nuts and Pine" 1/4 pint candles, which will arrive (hopefully) at the end of the first week of December.
>> important >> As far as we know, we are not going to be making any more candles after this Christmas season (until next year), so if you want candles GET CANDLES NOW.
We have plenty of colognes and can order more if we start getting low.
We are also ordering more "Outlaw on the Rum" and "Whiskey Business" lip balms.
I have just put in the order for the rest of the lotions through the end of the year, so we should be set. smile emoticon
PLEASE feel free to ask any questions. We live to serve!
I hope you're having a wonderful Fall and that your Winter is filled with every delight. Thank you again for supporting us and our tiny little operation.