Outlaw Soaps on Display

We love our wholesale customers and especially love it when they send photos of their Outlaw Soaps displays!

Click here if you'd like to apply to be a wholesale customer.

Sometimes it's fun to get a couple thought starters from other people's displays! Here are some of our soaps on display in stores:

Cult of Gemini, Grass Valley, CA:

Outlaw Soaps in Cult of Gemini in Grass Valley

Outlaw Soaps in Cult of Gemini

The Connor Hotel, Jerome, AZ:

Outlaw Soaps in Jerome Arizona


Deadwood Gift Shoppe: Deadwood, SD

Outlaw Soaps in Deadwood

Outlaw Soaps HQ: Colfax, CA

 Outlaw Soaps in Colfax, CA


Marion and Rose's Workshop: Oakland, CA

Outlaw Soaps at Marion and Rose's workshop in Oakland Ca

(we'll add more as we get them!)

Click here if you'd like to apply to be a wholesale customer.