Outlaws show up to LIFE!
My friend called me out of the blue this afternoon, just to wish me a happy new year. 2019 (and 2018) had been rough (fuck cancer*) for him, and we...
Outlaws show up to LIFE!My friend called me out of the blue this afternoon, just to wish me a happy new year. 2019 (and 2018) had been rough (fuck cancer*) for him, and we were talking about how I felt like he had dealt with his cancer with such incredible grace. "You really showed...
My friend called me out of the blue this afternoon, just to wish me a happy new year. 2019 (and 2018) had been rough (fuck cancer*) for him, and we were talking about how I felt like he had dealt with his cancer with such incredible grace. "You really showed...
My friend called me out of the blue this afternoon, just to wish me a happy new year. 2019 (and...
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